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The Top Layer of the Moon Alone Has Enough Oxygen to Supply 8 Billion People 100 000 Years!

 The Earth's moon is still the only foreign celestial body that mankind has ever set foot on. As is well known, the U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin were to immortalize themselves in the history books for all time in 1969 when they successfully carried out the first manned moon landing. Since the only natural satellite of the Earth is quite close to its mother planet, the moon is understandably the astronomical object best studied to date. However, this does not mean that we have already solved all the mysteries surrounding this fascinating satellite. In fact, new findings about the Earth's moon, which are repeatedly recorded by experts, regularly remind us how many mysteries of the Earth's constant companion still need to be unraveled. We will now reveal to you which groundbreaking discovery terrestrial researchers came across in recent research and how this could pave the way for the colonization of the moon!

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